Test Automation using Selenium (Intermediate)
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/ Test Automation using Selenium (Intermediate)
Basic WebDriver
- Why WebDriver for Selenium
- WebDriver v/s RC
- Why not RC
- Architecture of WebDriver and RC
- Advantages of WebDivers
- Installing WebDriver
- Configuring Eclipse for WebDriver
- First program on WebDriver
- Accessing Multiple browsers using WebDriver
Working with IE and Firefox Browsers
- Open and Close IE and Firefox
- Default profile creation in Firefox
- Bypassing proxy settings in Firefox
- Accessing Basic HTML Elements
Form Controls
- Accessing Input box
- Accessing Radio Buttons
- Accessing Checkbox
- Accessing Dropdown
- Accessing Submit Buttons
- Accessing Links
- Accessing Calendar
- Accessing Google autosuggest
Advance WebDriver
Accessing Forms
- Gmail.com signup and login
- Accessing Registration Forms
- Input data into Registration Forms
- Submit Registration Forms
- Accessing Login Forms
- Input data into Login Form
- Submit Login Form
Accessing Links and Sub Links
- google.com links
- Accessing all the links on a page
- Accessing links inside a block
Listing and Selecting Dropdown options
Reading Table
- Cricinfo.com score card
- Accessing rows
- Accessing columns
Accessing Child Windows
- Popup v/s Tabbed
- Alert v/s Confirmation
- Opening, accessing and closing tabbed windows
- Opening, accessing and closing popup windows
- Opening, accessing and closing Alert windows
- Opening, accessing and closing confirmation windows
Handling Events on a webpage
- Keyboard events
- Mouse Events
Uploading and Downloading Files
- Uploading images
- Downloading different file types
Learning Java for Selenium Courses(Intermediate)
- Why Java for Selenium
- Features of Java
- Advantages of Java
- Java v/s other programming languages
- Installation of java
- Setting path for java
- Introduction of Eclipse
- Installing Eclipse
- Studying about different Eclipse prospective
- Creating and executing first java program
- Learning about Classes and Functions
- Variable types
- String operations
- Access Specifiers, Static and Final Keywords
Conditions and loops
- Using IF, IF-Else and Switch
- While, do-while and For
- Sample programs
- Arrays
- Usage of Arrays
- Single and Multi dimension Arrays
- Limitations of Arrays
- Sample programs
- Usage of Arrays
- Single and Multi dimension Arrays
- Limitations of Arrays
- Sample programs
Object Oriented programming concepts
- Encapsulation
- Properties and Methods
- Usage of global variables
- Reference and Object types
- Main class v/s Friend classes
- Case Study of real time scenario
Why Inheritance
- Parent and sub classes
- Types of Inheritance
- IS-A and HAS-A relationship
- Usage of Accesses Specifiers with respect to Inheritance
- Case Study of real time scenario
Why Polymorphism
- Overloading and Overriding
- Static and Dynamic Polymorphism
- Case Study of real time scenario
Interfaces and Packages
- Usage of interfaces
- Abstract class
- Interface v/s Abstract
- Usage of Packages
- Creating Packages
- Case Study of real time scenario
File IO
- Usage of File IO
- Reading and Writing to a file
- Usage of Properties file and Xls files
- Reading data from properties and Xls files
- Over view of Collections
- Overcoming Array Limitations
- Usage of List
- Usage of Set
- Sample programs o